
File and folder protector
File and folder protector

file and folder protector

It moves "SecuredFiles" to %AppData%\Microsoft, and renames it into a virtual folder using the control panel's GUID.Add your files you want to protect to the folder, and run the LOCK command from the program.Creates a "SecuredFiles" folder on the desktop, which isn't really a folder nor is it secure.Asks what password you'd like to use to protect your folder, and stores it in the HKCU\Software\TweakAndTrick\FolderLock registry key.The batch file launches and interacts with the filesystem, registry, and of course, EditV32.exe in order to work.FolderProtector v2.5-XP.exe extracts a tmp.bat batch file and EditV32.exe executable to the %temp%\XXXX.tmp folder.I would not use this software to protect anything valuable or that which you would want to hide from a true tech geek. I'll give the original programmer who figured this out on the net credit for allowing us such a way to obscure a folder from the eyes of the average user, but by no means is this secure in any way. Security by Obscurity is the name of the game here.

file and folder protector

Enter a password that you can remember as this will be the password to your protected ANUPLUCIFERGAMER, Scottonpc When you run Folder Protector for the first time, the program will ask you for a password that you want to use.

file and folder protector

Images : After I downloaded it, I ran it. Here's the link with some of pictures taken by me as a proof. The software is totally legit and is good. So, I found this free software, which is amazing! I could hide all my files just less than a couple of minutes!I'm not the only one who watches porn, am I? Hey guys! So lately, I've been looking for a free software to keep my files hidden (Porn, pictures,etc ).

File and folder protector